Monday, August 29, 2011

Hohoho, I'm still alive!

Ohh, I look stupid in this photo.

Hi people! I'm back! How long that I didn't update my blog huh? Such a long time, I guess ;p Oh, holiday begins right? So what are you planing about? Traveling, most of all did it. For me, no way! UPSR is around, I can't go oversea but study. Well of course, I won't be a nerd keep on studying. My brain has to rest what. Dad is planing that bring us to swim on Wednesday. Everything is ok, but just the weather. Hope it won't be raining haha. 

Next, I'm here to introduce a movie to you guys. 'The Smurfs'. I sure you guys have already heard this movie before. Those smurfs is awfully cute, don't you think? Well, this movie will be release on 4th August. Omg, I can't wait to watch this movie man! There are some pictures that I found in Google. Aha, click the movie and have a look on it! Bye!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Some changes on my playlist, enjoy people! :)

- I need doctor by Eminem
- E.T by Katy Perry
- Firework by Katy Perry

I guess it is the time that I really need to work hard on my study, isn't? Maybe my blog will be so dead dead dead, but nvm. I will try to continue updating my blog after the test! :p